Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Your voice & its link to birdsong

Your voice & its link to birdsong I came across this interesting article recently. Linguists studying languages around the world find they are quite diverse in structure, but there are…

Making a Connection

This year the Royal institution Christmas lectures are all about communication. Neuroscientist, Professor Sophie Scott, will be unravelling the fascinating facts about how we understand each other. Words are not…

Playing the Emotion Card

I was never a particular fan of George Michael’s music. I liked some of his songs but not others. However, I was interested enough to record his film ‘Freedom’ when…

Theresa May & the Poorly Voice

This morning’s papers are full of comments on Theresa May’s conference speech yesterday. Unfortunately, the comments are not generally about the content but about a security breach and a voice…

How to Command a Room

Why is it that some people just draw your attention to them the moment they step through the door? Is it the aftershave that takes your breath away or the…

Getting off The Treadmill

Those of you who regularly read my blogs will know that I am a bit of a workaholic!  I have been a self employed Voice and Acting Coach for 45…


For those of you who might be wondering, this is not about how to learn Mandarin but rather a brief overview of my recent four week trip to three cities…

Networking for Newbies!

How often have you attended networking event and listened to 20 or more one-minute presentations without remembering anything that was said? An Idiot’s Guide to Elevator Pitches MAKE THEM LISTEN…