Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Bringing English to Life in China

Bringing English to Life in China Last month I spent a week in Shanghai and I thought I’d explain how this all came about. In 2017 Vivian Wu approached the…
Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Your Inner Voice

>Your Inner Voice I obviously focus a lot in my posts on the voice and how it affects others but what about the voice we all hear inside our heads?  Well,…
Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Exporting Your Voice

Exporting Your Voice Does your business or brand have aspirations or limitations?  I ask this because when you are a sole trader or an SME, it is easy to get…
Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Why make a Drama of it?

Why make a Drama of it? Something is happening in education at the moment which gives me concern.  In order to fulfil the new requirements of the International Baccalaureate many…
Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

The Working Voice

The Working Voice Isn’t it interesting that the voice, which we use so much every day, is a part of the body that most of us know very little about.…
Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Common Sense Tips for Public Speaking

Common Sense Tips for Public Speaking I remember my Public Speaking professor, John Holgate, saying that a good Public Speaker is someone who knows himself very well and can therefore…
Loud & Clear! - Voice Coach | Voice Training | Presentation Training | Motivational Speaking

Your voice & its link to birdsong

Your voice & its link to birdsong I came across this interesting article recently. Linguists studying languages around the world find they are quite diverse in structure, but there are…

Making a Connection

This year the Royal institution Christmas lectures are all about communication. Neuroscientist, Professor Sophie Scott, will be unravelling the fascinating facts about how we understand each other. Words are not…

Playing the Emotion Card

I was never a particular fan of George Michael’s music. I liked some of his songs but not others. However, I was interested enough to record his film ‘Freedom’ when…