Priscilla Morris – voice tips

Thanks for your very positive feedback on my first blog. You may have caught a programme on BBC4 in mid January called ‘The Voice’. It was a fascinating insight into our very own human musical instrument. I’d like to share with you some of the important points made.

  • Within the first few seconds your voice gives away your gender, age, background, education and emotional state.
  • We all have about 50 types of voice which we use on different occasions.
  • Only 7% of any message is dependant on your choice of words. Your success is more likely to be due to appropriate body language, facial expression and the way you use those words vocally.

I regularly have clients approach me who want to develop their voice for specific reasons. This month I began working with a young lady from Coventry who needed help in developing audition material for major Drama Schools. I hope to help her follow her dream of becoming a professional actress. I am also working with a Russian business owner from Berkshire who, despite excellent English vocabulary, still needs help with some pronunciation and intonation.

I really enjoy spreading the word about what a voice coach like me does so I was delighted to get 3 invitations to speak in Leicestershire during January at Access2Business, Business Networking Clubs (Broughton Astley) and Women’s Independent Networking Groups. I gave around 70 people tips on being a dynamic presenter. Forthcoming invitations include a lecture on the use of the voice to the British Theatre Dance Association examining board and ‘Selling Yourself Through Voice’ at the Ramada Hotel, Birmingham for ‘Women with B**ls!’

I had the pleasure of attending my first trustees meeting of the Voice Care Network at the Ikon Gallery (near the Symphony Hall and Birmingham Rep.). If you like modern art and tapas why not combine the two at this delightful spot? The café was heaving at Saturday lunchtime!

You may not have heard of the VCN but it has made quite a splash in the Voice World over the last 10 years. It was founded by Ros Comins from Leamington Spa specifically to address the voice problems that teachers have in the classroom. Since then it has grown to an organisation used by the government, the DHSS and the BBC. It is an amalgamation of highly qualified speech therapists and tutors and I was thrilled to be asked to become a Trustee.

I have become quite an expert on Voice Protection for high voice users over the last 10 years since the Amateur Swimming Association asked me to help their coaches. I delivered one of my practical workshops for 15 swimming teachers in Highgate, North London, early in the month. They were a lively lot – great fun and I think they found the techniques they learnt very helpful. I’m sure it will help them poolside ‘on the job’.

As an examiner of oral communication and performance for LAMDA I get the chance to travel throughout the UK. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the variety and tremendous talent I’ve assessed during the last 22 years. On the 23rd of February I’m examining a mixed day at Northampton and then it’s back up the M1 to my ballroom dancing class – well, I may not make it to Strictly come-Dancing but I can give it a go!There are a few new challenges in the diary for February but one in particular that I’m especially excited about. I have planned a trip to Dubai which involves the chance to speak to 2 new business contacts. I hope I’ll have some interesting news for you in a month’s time.

See you then and keep in touch – have a great month!

Contact Priscilla:

Tel: 01455 230317

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