Hello everyone,

It’s been an interesting month during which, wherever I turned, there seemed to be a focus on voice.

It started with the May edition of Readers Digest which contained an article ‘Your Voice’.  It was all about what happens to the voice as we age.  this is such a ‘Cinderella’ subject and I was delighted to see the really informative content from luminaries Dr John Rubin (top ENT consultant and surgeon) and Dr Ruth Epstein (consultant speech and language therapist).  In the verbal battle of the sexes the following may interest you:

Will decline from their 30’s due to thinning and drying of the vocal cords.  That’s why elderly men can sound high-pitched and raspy.

Deepen slightly after the menopause due to a lack of oestrogen, then get higher as they age further.  The average pitch range has deepened slightly in the last 30 years, perhaps reflecting women’s more authoritative roles at work.

Here are some tips for keeping a youthful voice:

  • Sing in the shower!  Steam hydrates the vocal cords.
  • Don’t shout or whisper.  Both of these put stress on the cords.
  • Exercise your body.  Lung function is vital for the vocal muscles.
  • Exercise your mind. Keep the neurological messaging between the brain and the voice box lively.
  • Stay socially active.  Speak to people!

As well as this article there was a piece on ‘Presenting’ on Radio 4’s ‘Womens Hour’ featuring two ex-Apprentice competitors and also a discussion on what voices everyone liked on ‘Mid-Week’ (Radio 4).  I often ask audiences when I’m speaking about the voice to think about their favourite voices and WHY they like them.  You can then make decisions about how YOU want to sound.  Remember, your voice is very flexible and you can stretch it in many ways to achieve your ideal communication tool.
Here’s a brief run-down of what I’ve been up to during May:
  • Attended 9 networking events
  • Went to 4 theatre productions
  • Attended Voice Care Network course in London
  • Coached 10 business clients
  • Spent a week judging the Derby Speech & Drama Festival
  • Took my ‘Voice Matters’ course in Solihull
  • Took my ‘Being Vocal in a Man’s World’ course in Leicester
  • Trained 20 swimming coaches in voice protection for Notts. County Council
           See sample video of Voice Protection in Action HERE
  • Trained 25 ladies at the Soroptimists East Midlands Regional meeting.
  • Spoke at the NRG business lunch in Coventry.
  • Travelled for my birthday on the Settle – Carlile railway!

You probably know about my new half-day courses at bargain prices which are now booking for Autumn.  Find out how your voice can influence others by clicking HERE for Leicester or Solihull.

CALL NOW on 01455 230317

I recently found a wonderful quote from our past Prime Minister, Gladstone:

‘Time and money spent improving the voice pay a larger interest than any other investment’
Well you can’t get a higher endorsement than that!  See you next month.

Speak wisely

            Speak well

                                       Speak   Loud & Clear! 

Web:  www.loudandclearuk.com/
Email: info@loud-n-clear.dev.cc
Phone: 01455 230317
Mobile: 07779519388
Twitter: @VoiceExpert

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