World Voice Day

Hello everyone,

Several years ago someone came up with the idea of having a worldwide ‘Voice’ day to focus on the importance of oral communication and understanding our voice and how we use it. I’m sure most of you were not aware of it but this year it takes place on 16 April. Previously I have been involved in poetry readings and Shakespeare recitals on that day but this year I won’t be doing anything special. I will, however, be focusing on how vital our voice is in practically everything we do and how much we take it for granted.

During the last month I’ve been working with several new clients who have English as a second language and they all have individual issues but collectively they want to be better understood and they want to make communication in English easy for everyone they meet.

As native English speakers, we sometimes take our language for granted and we abuse it by being lazy or don’t make sufficient effort to keep control and speak words accurately. On 16 April why not spare a moment to think about your speech and how you could make it even better.

March had a busy first half for me with adjudicating in Harrogate and Bath, examining in Nottingham and Solihull and a large number of private clients. I’m having a break for Easter and planning for a six-week adjudicating tour in Sri Lanka coming up n May. Currently, new private clients are going in the diary for July! Where is this year going?

Anyway, if your company is looking for some VERY cost-effective training ion the Autumn, remember that my open courses are all listed on my recently re-designed website


In the meantime have a restful Easter and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter

Speak wisely

Speak well

Speak Loud & Clear!




Phone: 0800 083 4082

Mobile: 07779519388

Twitter: @VoiceExpert

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