All Work & No Play!



All work and no play………

I make no excuse for the fact that I spent the latter half of May on a cruise in the Mediterranean! You do need to re-charge the batteries from time to time so Stewart and I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring places we have been before and some we haven’t. I know that the weather really improved in the UK while we were away but we were especially lucky, as this was the beginning of the season. Every one of our 7 ports was bathed in sunshine and temperatures which began at 26 in Cadiz and reached 31 by the time we got to Venice, Dubrovnik and Corfu. Even Gibraltar managed a sunny smile although it was a Sunday and therefore Marks & Spencers was shut – so no tax free shopping there! The only problem for any of you who’ve tried cruising is, of course, the food – that is the quantity of it! We tried to be good and did as many ballroom dancing classes as possible but the waist bands are definately tighter than when we went.

As a performer, I always look forward to the entertainment and we really had a treat this time with the best musical theatre company I have seen on a ship. ‘The Headliners’ were a hugely talented bunch with 5 lead singers and terrific dancers. They managed to do everything from Abba and Queen to Cole Porter with amazing energy and style. I was accepted as a guest speaker for P&O in 2006 but due to a number of circumstances I’ve never actually done any work. Hopefully I will be ‘treading the ship boards’ myself before too long.

Of course, I did do some work before I got on board. During the first 2 weeks of May I spoke at a 4Networking meeting on my exotic working travels; gave an inspirational talk on my success for an event organised by Women Aloud in Coventry; attended a lunchtime networking event in Birmingham run by Switched-on-Biz and exhibited at a ‘Network Midlands’ happening in Leicester.

I was delighted to work with a new business client from Cornwall who is returning for another session in June and I went down to London to meet a new contact with a view to collaborative voice work in the future. I was invited by LAMDA to run a course at their headquarters on the new Performance Examinations syllabus. I thoroughly enjoyed working with 20 enthusiastic teachers from all over the UK.

On the 13th I ran my first ‘Dynamic Speaking’ course at the Marriott Hotel, Leicester. I was delighted that the 6 business men who attended felt they had gained a great deal. The development achieved by some in their filmed presentations was particularly gratifying. You can see some comments on my testimonial page. The next session for advanced speaking will be in October.

I have a ‘Voice Matters’ course on June 16th – again in Leicester and there’s only one place left as I write. I am now planning September courses for Leicester and Solihull. Details of these highly practical days click here

I fitted in 1 days examining too and finally celebrated my birthday with my dear adjudicating friend, Sheila Howells, and her daughter Pippa, over from Canada. We had a delightful lunch at the Potter’s Club in Stoke-on-Trent.

Well I hope you are all enjoying getting out and about now that summer is almost here. Remember that all important work/life balance and have a bit of fun!

Tip of the month:

If you scream yourself hoarse at your favourite sporting venue, swig down the water to help your vocal cords recover. N.B. that DOESN’T include beer!!!

Don’t forget –

Speak Wisely

Speak Well


01455 230317

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